Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cover Ups

The most beautiful masks can be found in Venice
Accessorized, decorated, one to suit the perfect ball
Yet one may find masks on every human being
Be it the mask of strength, the mask of power, pain and manipulation
Underneath each mask is a heart protecting itself, putting up a barrier and self portraying
what the being wishes for all to see

United in a cosmic world dance, separated by personal concerns
Concerns each individual has to a different degree, formed by distinct experiences
Let the self emerge.. for that is by far the most beautiful I you can decorate yourself with

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The truth

Truth is by far an amazing virtue

When actions are done in this state, they lose their results and secondary concerns, they become actions of  love
The experience is perfection, grace becomes so apparent
Service in the world becomes selfless, unique and an act of Creation

So many internal patterns change, as revolving life which is constantly changing
Truth grows larger everyday.
The seed which is based on creation and derives from the one creator manifests into the most beautiful fruits. Nurturing the elements, maintaining the condition is the work of NOW.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 aspects of the SELF

The child, the maternal and the matriarchal- girl
The   lad,  the paternal and the patriarchal - boy

Each individual self has 3 aspects which need nurturing and attention each day.
When one aspect is ignored, life itself ignores that very aspect.
It all begins with oneself choosing to nurture each aspect , be it good or bad
right or wrong, how can anyone deny anything about themselves.
So much of which part of us we choose to accept and be mirrors
what life presents to us in situations and circumstance
The bad situations are created to alter and make one realize and accept their flaws
or perhaps obtain the change of releasing that negative pattern
The good situations balance out the very bad in order to give one abundance
and support for beliefs and intentions.

If you feel negative in any way, it is only because your denying your demons, or
have a belief rooted in that destructive pattern.
If life keeps throwing the same lemons at you, it's time you face what it actually is
within you that is attracting that same need again and again, release the need within yourself
for negative destruction, and observe the life changes that succumb around.

Allow the body to speak for itself, for its wisdom is divine, guiding one to what it needs,
it'll even communicate with you on why a certain part of the body pains. When something hurts there's a reason!! Last night during meditation, I found my left upper back in so much pain. I questioned the very source, and found I lacked emotional support. Yet it wasn't external, it's something I needed to pay attention to myself.

Every day is a new day. The old goes, the new comes, a problem is dealt with a new one arises. Yet it is only to remove all sense of ILLUSION, ( maya) which denies the soul from growing to its highest potential.
Every day is only a lesson for the soul to grow without interference from external sources and resistance of the mind to achieve and tap higher consciousness and to live in SELF awareness. This doesn't mean being an ascetic, it is a matter of being empowered enough to stay centered in the face of disaster and achievements knowing things come and go, hence there is nothing to weep or celebrate over but the SELF!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My very own song

If  I never lost, I wouldn't know what it is to win and stand tall
If I never cried, I wouldn't know what it feels to smile
Throughout it all, the thick and thin, I have myself and life which is all I have faith in
To be alive, to share a glass of wine, and heal my wounds
while I shed my old patterns
I'll grow and grow, for thats what life guarantees for sure
My eyes are new, each time I learn, about myself from all the turns
The very traits, I so denied, are ones I'm changing, to attract an abundant life
So what is there to regret, to share tears over done fret
When the new is new, and the old is old, it only gives one
meaning foretold
To live for now, for that's what's there, to celebrate,
the pondering has been done, by the one up above
who orchestrates the divine dance

The choice is mine, to breath and prance, to take my stance
to claim what's mine, which starts with me, and follows fine...

It begins with freedom...

To be

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Game of Life

Experience gives the soul wisdom, and silence allows the soul to speak its truth
from the Universal world bank

The game of life is a board game one plays much like monopoly or games of those sorts.
The irony of these games is that it shows one how one deals with life circumstances
in the face of ups and downs, and how one reacts to the players that surround

The ability to stay alit in the face of disaster, aware that there is more to come
or that things will eventually change. Relationship with other players going through
the same experience in their own unique ways according to the cards life plays each one and
the experiences one creates with the mind!

The game of life is so external, natural circumstances which come and go, much like people, choices, situations which keep changing like the weather. The only thing that matters is the self, and how one handles and deals with all that appears knowing that the source of abundance and peace lies within the heart chakra.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The answer to most of one's questions, lie in the heart..
How ironic, that one spends searching for a way when the way lies within the very self

Every question that is asked with truth to the self in quiet contemplation
is most definitely found when one listens, and at times there is no answer
but simply asking for that answer from within leads for the answer to reveal itself
in due time at the right time, and sometimes the answer is found in a song that reveals itself,
an experience, a situation, something one sees with the eyes and sees within!

What's lacking externally is usually lacking internally. Once one makes a commitment to changing
or releasing a certain habit or defiance of the self, the world changes, all changes! What a simple thing, and yet at times in the face of chaos one goes whack influenced by externalities. The small things one disagrees with are at times denial of traits within oneself.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


There are certain quotes, certain experiences which label individuals as 'losers' or 'winners'
The irony of this is that by what standards? and by what method?

What a judgement!! Isn't life's battles about aiming to win, but at times you lose, and you get right back up again and continue training, and doing what you do best!!
I personally, passed a few things, failed a few things, what allows me to do the best of my ability is the fact that I continue BEING ME regardless of outer situations and circumstance.

My favorite football team, FC Barcelona aren't straight up consecutive winners, they lose matches as well and they're class!

The judgement just takes away all meaning from being alive! It beats the point, it encourages you to focus on results, when the enjoyment of life is the journey to the result. A football match isn't enjoyed for its 90th minute final result but rather for its 90 minutes of full on joyous experience! That is the difference between seeking victory, and EXPERIENCING VICTORY!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dream journaling

Dreams are dramatic, picture stories which convey messages
A great time, when the mind surrenders itself completely to the spiritual realms

For the past few months, I've set intentions on my dreams just before laying in bed
When I wake.. and no no baking anymore, lol,  I write down these dreams in a book.

A great way to notice certain themes in life, needs, or feelings which one is ignoring in the day, it also clears up the mind in concern to events or situations and helps straighten up thoughts.

Dream works is a true thing, it works, and unleashes the very soul from daily limitations.
It's also an animation company, which explains in consideration to the theme of enchantment
which humans have sooo lost, everyone, including myself is so engrossed in attachment
to desires, or situations, or people, that the heart loses touch with its inner peace!!

The mind has a life and heart of it's own, a creative sphere, which opens up to present all the things
dug in the subconscious.
Consciousness has way more appeal.. Treat yourself to dream play..

Friday, October 2, 2009


Direction in time, golden path with a sense of honest intention
The beauty seen in every sight, the inner feeling butterfly delight
Purpose in life, mission of mind, journey with calling
Various labels, but only the heart understands its fate
Reason I was born, Reason I'm alive, Reason for my personal experiences
No need to search for an answer in all, for the answer reveals itself in due time
through revelations of the mind, body and soul presented in inner and outer circumstances

I learn more about myself than anything in the world just by being aware
Spent days in books, documentaries, research, at the end of it all, 
its myself I most know today, Pride on being here and reaching this far
all by myself, seeds of manifestation are the grandest creations of humankind
One of my tarot cards indicates that even a prisoner is free, for he is free
to choose his own thoughts, and beliefs, hope and faith give one freedom 
in any situation, state or place. 

Check out the world, as the old discards, even those situations erase themselves
Screw all those news channels, they only enforce destructive ideas and notions
Ones that aren't needed in a time where enough depression is found in society
It's time for positive lives, thoughts, beliefs, and acceptance, only then will the world
and situations reflect what is accepted by one. The rest DISAPPEARS 
It has no place, the light is too strong. 

Listening to Immortal Technique, feeding my soul, accepting reality, making it a point to be aware whilst considering ways for improvement, starting from WITHIN... 

Magic exists.. within you.. within I.. within all.. for its the very energy source that gives one power.. to create and manifest all you WANT. 

Tune in, tap in, be aware of presence, it'll be the largest indicator to truth. 
I'm falling in love with the self. Ecstatic, sensual, deep rooted love.. 
Wow.. I've come a long way.. it's been 8 long years of hard work in 
several stuck up cycles, it's all gone though, and that's left is Me,
my higher consciousness, my inner knowingness and my ability to act
My passions are lighting up my self, and reflecting in all that I DO. 
I wanted to fly away for such a long time, Now I know that place lies within ME
I am free.. all i see and feel is peace, and I know is loving sensuality
and I can BE all that I was MEANT TO BE... 

Emerging baby.. it's happening, it's started, lightning lightning
I can read my own cards.. and I will enhance my own DESTINY