Friday, October 2, 2009


Direction in time, golden path with a sense of honest intention
The beauty seen in every sight, the inner feeling butterfly delight
Purpose in life, mission of mind, journey with calling
Various labels, but only the heart understands its fate
Reason I was born, Reason I'm alive, Reason for my personal experiences
No need to search for an answer in all, for the answer reveals itself in due time
through revelations of the mind, body and soul presented in inner and outer circumstances

I learn more about myself than anything in the world just by being aware
Spent days in books, documentaries, research, at the end of it all, 
its myself I most know today, Pride on being here and reaching this far
all by myself, seeds of manifestation are the grandest creations of humankind
One of my tarot cards indicates that even a prisoner is free, for he is free
to choose his own thoughts, and beliefs, hope and faith give one freedom 
in any situation, state or place. 

Check out the world, as the old discards, even those situations erase themselves
Screw all those news channels, they only enforce destructive ideas and notions
Ones that aren't needed in a time where enough depression is found in society
It's time for positive lives, thoughts, beliefs, and acceptance, only then will the world
and situations reflect what is accepted by one. The rest DISAPPEARS 
It has no place, the light is too strong. 

Listening to Immortal Technique, feeding my soul, accepting reality, making it a point to be aware whilst considering ways for improvement, starting from WITHIN... 

Magic exists.. within you.. within I.. within all.. for its the very energy source that gives one power.. to create and manifest all you WANT. 

Tune in, tap in, be aware of presence, it'll be the largest indicator to truth. 
I'm falling in love with the self. Ecstatic, sensual, deep rooted love.. 
Wow.. I've come a long way.. it's been 8 long years of hard work in 
several stuck up cycles, it's all gone though, and that's left is Me,
my higher consciousness, my inner knowingness and my ability to act
My passions are lighting up my self, and reflecting in all that I DO. 
I wanted to fly away for such a long time, Now I know that place lies within ME
I am free.. all i see and feel is peace, and I know is loving sensuality
and I can BE all that I was MEANT TO BE... 

Emerging baby.. it's happening, it's started, lightning lightning
I can read my own cards.. and I will enhance my own DESTINY