Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Great Expectations

Sometime in school, read this book by Charles dickens, named Great expectations.
Several chapters were so disappointing because of the intensity of the book and the toll
the path of the main character was taking. 

Today I understand that expectations is by far one of the grandest ways to destruct a large aspect of life. Don't get me wrong, its great to expect from life, the universe, God. Each one deserves abundance from the centre source which is never ending. 
Yet expectations from anyone but the self, is a result of a destructive personal pattern. 

Any disappointments from a situation or person, are usually a consequence of unexpected turns of life which result in one abandoning those very circumstances as they don't work anymore. 

Intentions of the mind are such a key factor in such moments, one discovers the power of intention, and discovers how necessary it is to be aware of the intentions of those around. For people are mere reflections of one another, attracted to one another with similar mindsets. 

Intentions of the self, are far from being able to be placed into categories of good and bad, because the only belief one can attain is that which is right for one self. The mind is an amazing tool, the human is the operator and all that is created is visible in one's energy field and results in future manifestations.