Monday, July 19, 2010

Children vs Men

2 scents unite to feel like they are one, assimilated, even before self has unravelled
They might be life less to some, yet this grouping allows them to connect
on the basis of a common 'denominator.'
An illusionary prey, which chooses children over men,
a person who knows that they know, righteousness only allows, for another obstacle to be passed
and a positive flaw, to be maintained.

When people refuse to change, they resist what comes to them
We all do, sometimes it takes years, lifetimes to break a pattern!
Yet ignoring change is quite another, and denying it, further.

Imagine a tree, it changes according to the seasons,
color- wise, quality, quantity wise.
Law of nature applies.
So why would humans be separate from this way,
when everything is connected, we are all spirit.

So instead of games, manipulation, and methods which only
serve to give 'power' to those who feel 'powerless'
I'm definite, that if they looked inside, and truly
searched for what made them who they are
They wouldn't need a false material illusion.
Today it's people power games, tomorrow its brands, what's next, addiction to something which isn't even really real. It only serves to fulfill some emotional insecurity which if confronted,
you wouldn't need to question if people have mirrors, or try to make them lose by considering oneself grander.
You would see what you really hold.

Marilyn Monroe,
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."