Thursday, December 24, 2009


I hide like a child.. in a cocoon.. protected by inner strength
My territory keeps me warm, calm and striving,
complications arise when I try to make sense
of what lies inside, and why it's so deep within

It has its positivity, favourable to those around me
giving to those I love to see smile
Using my power to take favourable steps
in the direction of an improved humanity
Every person is a mere foot step
but each step matters in history

You question me and my position in life
Why I am the way that I am
But I just am, like you, like all , like humanity
Created from love, striving towards destiny and self please

If i knew the answer to your question, I would have ammended
my own self stomach sobriety
Or perhaps it's my personal uniqueness
that element each person has
Yet it appears I have a flaw, like a normal human being
It's obvious to you because I'm still
Yet what it makes it different from the flaws you hold within
the ones not present in your daily personal interactions

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dress and Shoes

Tried him on for a lil while
Like a random dress, experimenting
my inner child
Strong enough to peel the band aid
and try something new
Questions and questions
wanting to know what's on his mind

It wasn't personal, he was like a child
Felt like a mother, forcing on a soft side
It doesn't breakthrough, the provocations
only serve to salt the left foot wounds
The ones you don't see, don't know
and will never hear of

Forget his ego, it's all he's learnt
Waiting to be carried, gaining emotional and 'I'm right' comfort
Forgetting he needs to nurture
instead of running out to play

If only I'd stop playing around
With somebody too young for me
Grow up, and stop allowing one to be a lady boy
But be a lady and stand by his side
perhaps a judgement but its cool
what I say I know comes back to me
I take that responsibliity

It's like wearing stilletos, what envious shoes
Internally bleeding, tattered, losing inspiration, bound to motherhood

As if the game of life weren't enough
for me to cradle the games you and I love
for game... in hope
of gain..

p.s... I still believe

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Parallel Realities

It seems like for one situation, an exact opposite situation arises
X runs to Y,              Z runs with A
Emotional attachment leads one to be 'good' for the bad
Whilst detachment allows one to be 'bad' for the good

When your plate gets filled with that which isn't even yours
People playing games to feel stronger than the 'opponent'
Yet it only enhances personal ego, further encouraging hidden cowardice
Strength can be found in several aspects, it's the way you choose to act
at any point in time, whether by retaliating, letting it go or simply choosing to be quiet.
The game lies within each individual, a personal game, maybe a flaw
A lesson to be learnt, an obstacle to be overcome
a mere growth process

The resistance to let it go, further creates so many circumstances which force you
to relase it, yet wanting the opposite of the game, is the Biggest Challenge
that only lies within the self, perhaps the mover and shakers of personal emotions
which creates very circular rollercoaster circumstances paralleling that which
is revolutionising within!


When I question too much, it loses its cause
A purpose allows me to stand tall
The dreams are necessary yet likeable to be
the right place, right time, destiny and my creative mentality
The more I think, the larger becomes the approach
the awareness of creating things on a positive note
It starts to fulfill when I am self fulfilled
Noticing the only treasures I have in life
are those that mirror what's already within me
The unrequired walks always, leaves me
making me free
Time is all that is, the rest is all the beginning

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Losing Battles

Losing Battles are the epitome of human structures which exist to improve those very things that are 'ideal' to most or a cause which without fighters becomes extinct.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The occults

  I always thought that the world of occults was a fantasy, an image to good to be true
a science rooted in creative worlds like Harry Potter and an old age religion deriving
from witches and those who worshipped Earth.

  Witches have always fascinated me, perhaps something about their unique powerful ability to attract what they want simply because they have faith in their beliefs. Their extensive use of potions and herbs to create that which they desire in their lives and the powerful love they have for nature's own beauty, the sun, the moon, the stars etc.. Well I've been reading up on it, and met those who have reached that stage in their life where they get what they want simply because they know they can and will call for it.

  It's 2009, and the occults are more powerful than ever, not only can one find members
working in this 'religion' all over the world, yet the practice itself is so powerful
and this attractive all-embracing energy can be felt in the presence of 'light workers', in certain centers of worship, somebody's house or even a particular person. One simply has to be aware. Of course those who have been aware of energies for years may even tap into your personal energy and the oneness source which provides light.

  The journey is pretty incredible, one discovers the use of tarot cards, divination, translation of energy aurus which are around each person and indicate what they are going through in life or what they're recent thoughts reflect. The third eye and its power is used in the name of intuition. Like any set of beliefs, it has to be experienced to be understood. By far the most interesting 'religion' that has come to me in life, and the one I've enjoyed the most from the various I have studied and the various I have experienced in the countries I've resided in or the centers of worship which I've visited over the years.

Based on Law of Attraction, one is able to pick out tarot cards and meditate and understand the position one is in, in this route of personal life. It's not exactly a fortune telling device, but rather a key to understanding where your self is situated, on which door and which circumstance. The use of energy to heal one another is fantastic, and simply done with the power of the mind and body. Of course a field which is so vast, there are various types of arts in this field of impressive occults, and one must experience it to notice the results, which in any case have changed my life perhaps thanks to the wheel of life which has the power to turn your world in a minute!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cover Ups

The most beautiful masks can be found in Venice
Accessorized, decorated, one to suit the perfect ball
Yet one may find masks on every human being
Be it the mask of strength, the mask of power, pain and manipulation
Underneath each mask is a heart protecting itself, putting up a barrier and self portraying
what the being wishes for all to see

United in a cosmic world dance, separated by personal concerns
Concerns each individual has to a different degree, formed by distinct experiences
Let the self emerge.. for that is by far the most beautiful I you can decorate yourself with

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The truth

Truth is by far an amazing virtue

When actions are done in this state, they lose their results and secondary concerns, they become actions of  love
The experience is perfection, grace becomes so apparent
Service in the world becomes selfless, unique and an act of Creation

So many internal patterns change, as revolving life which is constantly changing
Truth grows larger everyday.
The seed which is based on creation and derives from the one creator manifests into the most beautiful fruits. Nurturing the elements, maintaining the condition is the work of NOW.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 aspects of the SELF

The child, the maternal and the matriarchal- girl
The   lad,  the paternal and the patriarchal - boy

Each individual self has 3 aspects which need nurturing and attention each day.
When one aspect is ignored, life itself ignores that very aspect.
It all begins with oneself choosing to nurture each aspect , be it good or bad
right or wrong, how can anyone deny anything about themselves.
So much of which part of us we choose to accept and be mirrors
what life presents to us in situations and circumstance
The bad situations are created to alter and make one realize and accept their flaws
or perhaps obtain the change of releasing that negative pattern
The good situations balance out the very bad in order to give one abundance
and support for beliefs and intentions.

If you feel negative in any way, it is only because your denying your demons, or
have a belief rooted in that destructive pattern.
If life keeps throwing the same lemons at you, it's time you face what it actually is
within you that is attracting that same need again and again, release the need within yourself
for negative destruction, and observe the life changes that succumb around.

Allow the body to speak for itself, for its wisdom is divine, guiding one to what it needs,
it'll even communicate with you on why a certain part of the body pains. When something hurts there's a reason!! Last night during meditation, I found my left upper back in so much pain. I questioned the very source, and found I lacked emotional support. Yet it wasn't external, it's something I needed to pay attention to myself.

Every day is a new day. The old goes, the new comes, a problem is dealt with a new one arises. Yet it is only to remove all sense of ILLUSION, ( maya) which denies the soul from growing to its highest potential.
Every day is only a lesson for the soul to grow without interference from external sources and resistance of the mind to achieve and tap higher consciousness and to live in SELF awareness. This doesn't mean being an ascetic, it is a matter of being empowered enough to stay centered in the face of disaster and achievements knowing things come and go, hence there is nothing to weep or celebrate over but the SELF!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My very own song

If  I never lost, I wouldn't know what it is to win and stand tall
If I never cried, I wouldn't know what it feels to smile
Throughout it all, the thick and thin, I have myself and life which is all I have faith in
To be alive, to share a glass of wine, and heal my wounds
while I shed my old patterns
I'll grow and grow, for thats what life guarantees for sure
My eyes are new, each time I learn, about myself from all the turns
The very traits, I so denied, are ones I'm changing, to attract an abundant life
So what is there to regret, to share tears over done fret
When the new is new, and the old is old, it only gives one
meaning foretold
To live for now, for that's what's there, to celebrate,
the pondering has been done, by the one up above
who orchestrates the divine dance

The choice is mine, to breath and prance, to take my stance
to claim what's mine, which starts with me, and follows fine...

It begins with freedom...

To be

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Game of Life

Experience gives the soul wisdom, and silence allows the soul to speak its truth
from the Universal world bank

The game of life is a board game one plays much like monopoly or games of those sorts.
The irony of these games is that it shows one how one deals with life circumstances
in the face of ups and downs, and how one reacts to the players that surround

The ability to stay alit in the face of disaster, aware that there is more to come
or that things will eventually change. Relationship with other players going through
the same experience in their own unique ways according to the cards life plays each one and
the experiences one creates with the mind!

The game of life is so external, natural circumstances which come and go, much like people, choices, situations which keep changing like the weather. The only thing that matters is the self, and how one handles and deals with all that appears knowing that the source of abundance and peace lies within the heart chakra.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The answer to most of one's questions, lie in the heart..
How ironic, that one spends searching for a way when the way lies within the very self

Every question that is asked with truth to the self in quiet contemplation
is most definitely found when one listens, and at times there is no answer
but simply asking for that answer from within leads for the answer to reveal itself
in due time at the right time, and sometimes the answer is found in a song that reveals itself,
an experience, a situation, something one sees with the eyes and sees within!

What's lacking externally is usually lacking internally. Once one makes a commitment to changing
or releasing a certain habit or defiance of the self, the world changes, all changes! What a simple thing, and yet at times in the face of chaos one goes whack influenced by externalities. The small things one disagrees with are at times denial of traits within oneself.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


There are certain quotes, certain experiences which label individuals as 'losers' or 'winners'
The irony of this is that by what standards? and by what method?

What a judgement!! Isn't life's battles about aiming to win, but at times you lose, and you get right back up again and continue training, and doing what you do best!!
I personally, passed a few things, failed a few things, what allows me to do the best of my ability is the fact that I continue BEING ME regardless of outer situations and circumstance.

My favorite football team, FC Barcelona aren't straight up consecutive winners, they lose matches as well and they're class!

The judgement just takes away all meaning from being alive! It beats the point, it encourages you to focus on results, when the enjoyment of life is the journey to the result. A football match isn't enjoyed for its 90th minute final result but rather for its 90 minutes of full on joyous experience! That is the difference between seeking victory, and EXPERIENCING VICTORY!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dream journaling

Dreams are dramatic, picture stories which convey messages
A great time, when the mind surrenders itself completely to the spiritual realms

For the past few months, I've set intentions on my dreams just before laying in bed
When I wake.. and no no baking anymore, lol,  I write down these dreams in a book.

A great way to notice certain themes in life, needs, or feelings which one is ignoring in the day, it also clears up the mind in concern to events or situations and helps straighten up thoughts.

Dream works is a true thing, it works, and unleashes the very soul from daily limitations.
It's also an animation company, which explains in consideration to the theme of enchantment
which humans have sooo lost, everyone, including myself is so engrossed in attachment
to desires, or situations, or people, that the heart loses touch with its inner peace!!

The mind has a life and heart of it's own, a creative sphere, which opens up to present all the things
dug in the subconscious.
Consciousness has way more appeal.. Treat yourself to dream play..

Friday, October 2, 2009


Direction in time, golden path with a sense of honest intention
The beauty seen in every sight, the inner feeling butterfly delight
Purpose in life, mission of mind, journey with calling
Various labels, but only the heart understands its fate
Reason I was born, Reason I'm alive, Reason for my personal experiences
No need to search for an answer in all, for the answer reveals itself in due time
through revelations of the mind, body and soul presented in inner and outer circumstances

I learn more about myself than anything in the world just by being aware
Spent days in books, documentaries, research, at the end of it all, 
its myself I most know today, Pride on being here and reaching this far
all by myself, seeds of manifestation are the grandest creations of humankind
One of my tarot cards indicates that even a prisoner is free, for he is free
to choose his own thoughts, and beliefs, hope and faith give one freedom 
in any situation, state or place. 

Check out the world, as the old discards, even those situations erase themselves
Screw all those news channels, they only enforce destructive ideas and notions
Ones that aren't needed in a time where enough depression is found in society
It's time for positive lives, thoughts, beliefs, and acceptance, only then will the world
and situations reflect what is accepted by one. The rest DISAPPEARS 
It has no place, the light is too strong. 

Listening to Immortal Technique, feeding my soul, accepting reality, making it a point to be aware whilst considering ways for improvement, starting from WITHIN... 

Magic exists.. within you.. within I.. within all.. for its the very energy source that gives one power.. to create and manifest all you WANT. 

Tune in, tap in, be aware of presence, it'll be the largest indicator to truth. 
I'm falling in love with the self. Ecstatic, sensual, deep rooted love.. 
Wow.. I've come a long way.. it's been 8 long years of hard work in 
several stuck up cycles, it's all gone though, and that's left is Me,
my higher consciousness, my inner knowingness and my ability to act
My passions are lighting up my self, and reflecting in all that I DO. 
I wanted to fly away for such a long time, Now I know that place lies within ME
I am free.. all i see and feel is peace, and I know is loving sensuality
and I can BE all that I was MEANT TO BE... 

Emerging baby.. it's happening, it's started, lightning lightning
I can read my own cards.. and I will enhance my own DESTINY

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Great Expectations

Sometime in school, read this book by Charles dickens, named Great expectations.
Several chapters were so disappointing because of the intensity of the book and the toll
the path of the main character was taking. 

Today I understand that expectations is by far one of the grandest ways to destruct a large aspect of life. Don't get me wrong, its great to expect from life, the universe, God. Each one deserves abundance from the centre source which is never ending. 
Yet expectations from anyone but the self, is a result of a destructive personal pattern. 

Any disappointments from a situation or person, are usually a consequence of unexpected turns of life which result in one abandoning those very circumstances as they don't work anymore. 

Intentions of the mind are such a key factor in such moments, one discovers the power of intention, and discovers how necessary it is to be aware of the intentions of those around. For people are mere reflections of one another, attracted to one another with similar mindsets. 

Intentions of the self, are far from being able to be placed into categories of good and bad, because the only belief one can attain is that which is right for one self. The mind is an amazing tool, the human is the operator and all that is created is visible in one's energy field and results in future manifestations. 

Monday, September 28, 2009


Paths are present
One is called Inspiration
One is called Desperation

Inspiration is the ability to open up the adventure that lies within oneself
To portray it one the sky, allowing the dreams to present the mind's eye
The joy which gives ways to new ways of communication, plants seeds of love
unravels mysteries and grows with nurturing elements

The beginning of this path starts with what excites one personally
Be it authors, revolutionaries, stories of enchantment, and even clouds
which can be interpreted to relate to one's life
My own personal favorites are Che Guevara, and Paulo Coelho. 

I personally believe to love another person for eternity requires
mutual inspiration apart from the usual bases of respect and love.
The ability to inspire one another's belief.  I  believe 
that the pure openness of imagination and people involved will in a relationship 
allow one to be one of a kind whilst growing and improving as is always
the course of life. 
To grow with another hand in hand, whilst on the journey of finding one's unique
divine plan is the making of future inspiration and inner/outer world changes as the revolution
begins within.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


One's new year is one's birthday
The start of what is yet to come, the end of what had begun
I believe souls choose their birthdate to arrive at a certain time and place in 
the world making
Whilst nature and nurture are huge factors in one's way of being
Ironically the month one is born is in also determines certain characteristics

Zodiac signs, chinese astrology say so much about a human being
and the factors which come into play as a person who deals with certain 
matters in a distinct fashion

The season one is born in, and the year indicate a distinct time the soul was born in
Influences of time and space which are imbedded in the psyche of human behavior

To attain that which is possible, and all this meant to be
whilst adding all that one wants the journey of life to be....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good and Evil

Two aspects of the same coin, distinct intentions which rely on denial of one another

Every human being has a Mother Theresa and a Hitler within them
One derives from the happiness of another, one derives from cannibal instincts

The game playing goes on within one self, each using the other for energy and trail
the battle of thoughts and beliefs, potentials of the human race to collide against one another

Tranquility is attained when both sides make peace and become best friends
When the demons are faced, centering of breathing and mind occurs
Red and White unite, to form Pink

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Do layers form over seasons, simply to cloud the very soul which was born
so pure, so child-like, so innocent yet so mature.

Once the layers start peeling off, roles start changing, 
various identities of the human become formless
allowing the true self to emerge
free of those very limitations which grew in one's garden over the years

The centre, the alter, the safe haven full of silence, OM
This centre only keeps getting stronger, even more so 
when the vision has been blurred, for a warrior
only grows from previous combats, strength derives
from those very downfalls, and heights

Higher consciousness connects on a deeper level
allowing one's greatest core to emerge, self and energy, hand in hand

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Immortality is the key of life
It reminds one of the strength that is the soul

No words, no situations, can overcome that which always is
and always will be part of the divine plan

Doors close, lessons are learnt.
Doors open, abundance arrives

History is in the making, which every soul plays their own part
from victims, to heroes, to fairy tales, one can find it all

Magical realms above, providers of the sea, a power that is everlasting
much larger than any world philosophy

I am.. and so this is all within me

Friday, September 11, 2009

A letter to my soulmate

Born from the same flame, eyes which recognized you at first sight
Know you from past lifetimes, can feel it in our vibe
How lucky must I be, to have met you, and spent so much time
Some souls only meet for a day, I had you for a year span
Your beauty is all that's left, and memories of spirit time
May the world shower its abundant jewels on you
for being so one of a kind
I wonder if you thought of me, when Harry Potter released
I wonder if you ever picture me, by you surrounded by sweet lime

Our relationship has no name, for it wasn't part of any game
It just was, like a cell created by Big Bang's explosion
I created you before I set on current life path
Divine timing, for after you, I have seen growth in spiritual philosophy
After you, I have and am becoming who I'm meant to be
After you, I have nothing, and at the same time I have everything there is to be

Our special space, lies within me, moments which felt like eternity
Our bond is so unique, for only you and I know and share its memory
Random antiques, so many cliques, it wasn't coincidence, yet my destiny

I love you Monkey.. and I'll see you again, perhaps above or in a future karmic life destiny

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The irony of secrets, is that there are NONE
In a world so vast, in a universe so powerful
words have no power, the subconscious only reacts
to certain symbols, colors and emotions that are touching the soul

I remember somebody once saying
that knowing somebody's secret is having power over them
Poor Bill Clinton, after the world found out about 
his 'secret' affair, the guy must have lost all his personal power!

How can there be any secrets, when the soul has been through every 
stage in life in order to be where it is
One could have been an animal hunter, a murderer, a thief
a saint, a president, anything, absolutely anything
it means nothing, the only presence left behind
is the energy, spirit and being of the individual

The mighty Universe has stored all the information
and how could anybody above blame anyone below
when for the Universe all individuals are the same
What they are unable to achieve now, they will achieve tomorrow
and if not, in further lifetimes, at the right place, at the right time, in the right sequence of events. 

What you resists, Persists

Resistance, the path which only brings that very challenge
one is persisting furthermore

A lesson to be learnt, the higher consciousness triggering one
to reach a higher plane

The journey of life consists in learning key lessons
which allow the soul to transform in the blueprints
of planet Earth

When the inner self changes, automatically the Universe
make its a point to change the very outer self which becomes
a mirror of what lies inside

People change, situations change, the new enters the temple body
whilst the old releases itself. It does not involve judgements or conflicts
but rather an improvement in the inner conflicts provided by the distractions of 
the mind which improve outer circumstances

As vibrations and energy grow in the inner self, it is but natural
that those that surround be like-minded. For the law of the Universe 
states that like minded people attract one another.

A certain thought of anger may trigger for an energy of anger to be attracted
whilst a thought of compassion triggers an energy of compassion to be attracted
The universe supports each person in their every belief
in the same way it supports every planet, star and beauty of nature to survive

Manifestations are intentions of the mind, ironically that what we think is what happens
that which we feed the mind, lands up feeding the body

Once one knows they can, they automatically will.. 
for it is not what one knows, or thinks, but rather what one IS
and that derives from doing what is right for the SELF


One of a kind digit format
Generation 2000 brought the time

A path, consciousness, humanity heading towards the stars
Awareness, mythological growths occurring at the speed of light
2012 on its way, just a simple step to that way.. where 21/12/12
will be a startling day..

Earth's changing, energy rapidly flowing, universe glowing
New beginnings, Old is fading away
What's not working, has gotta be left behind
like a fool, who only carries one bag sway

The core is present, white and pink..
by May time.. will the flower be at its beautiful Brink

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Forgiveness is at times the only solution to the past
It resides in the left side, a footprint that hasn't washed away 
by the tides of the ocean on one's shores

Forgiveness doesn't mean that another person's actions are justified
Yet one is rising above the problem and forgiving another for their actions
For it is not the actions of the past which lay in you, yet the issue is within you
The only power the past has over one is what one gives it, as though
a habit has power over an individual, as though cigarettes have power over human beings
It is only the symbolism one places on it
That very resistance of change which is but a natural part of oneself
and life which can be seen in every aspect of cycles.

Water itself, drops from clouds, immerses in the ocean and rivers, gets seeped into the ground to naturally emerge back in the very place it came from. And whilst it kept transforming according to its natural life cycle and situation, it always maintains its natural essence.

Even words only portray what one allows it to portray, when one goes above
the academic meanings of a dictionary, the images that come to mind will appear
different to every soul being. Like a sentence which claims,
the child fell of the bike, rose and rode it once again, this time on a new path.
In this very sentence, each reader will associate this to one significant word to them.
Every movie will touch a person through a particular scene according to what one believes in

The only power there is, is NOW. For now is the very future, the thoughts,
beliefs, intentions of one are what create the very Now. 

Dance, dance, and dance as the song will never end, it only begins NOW...

Monday, September 7, 2009


Life, a way, a theme, a journey, stepping stones.
Spiritual mental and physical paths get incorporated to provide a dynamic being

Gone are the scopes of a limited mind providing abstract labels and methods 
They were simply invested in the mind, to create a certain species of humanity
and to change those individuals full of free will

Vegetarianism trend has hit me again, one I let go of 3 years ago 
and its back, providing its mark, as the detoxing has begun. 
Vegetables are rather appreciated these days, for their high energy force and the fact that they're provided by the one and only planet one resides on, mother Earth and it is all that grows, which is more than what is required. 

Cigarettes are fading in the distance, losing their power and attractiveness. The body's rejecting all that hasn't worked for a long time, in knowing that change is possible Now. 

Yoga helps balance the chakras, which there are 7 main ones of by the way. From the root which starts between the legs, to the top which is the crown above the head. They pretty much explain any insecurity of emotion, with concerns to something 'lacking' in life or pent up anger or pain. Figures even every illness under the planet can be linked the the mind, as the mind is the very tool that feeds the body, with thoughts, and the body absorbs it and reacts to it by    dis-ease. More chakras are there, for example the ears, and each one has an example of its cause and source of pain apart from the method of medicinal ways. For example, with regards to ears, if unbalanced, or in pain, usually derives from the individual being unwilling to listen to words being spoken of perhaps due to an experience or fear.

Life is becoming so interesting, rather than trying to understand what things are worth, everything is mirroring one's three aspects of mental affirmations, physical care and spiritual growth. A dance show is taking place, souls are interacting, balance of karma, past life work pending, and when one gets hit with more then they expect, their boat only goes 10 steps further to the path they are meant to be on... 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What is the mind?

That very source that thinks, provides affirmations, judges and knows

or is it all in the body, the soul, and the liner chakras

that unite one with the very light and energy source of the universe

It is so single minded, that each individual has the power to provide the world with their own essence whilst tapping into the one love of knowing all is one

Sources, history, books, inspiration, does one ever accept those very things into the system

and if so, is it for improvement of weaknesses or lack of strength

The mind is constantly involving, or perhaps it is 

constantly CREATING

Is life, a journey of lessons, or a deeper creation rooting from emotions

and beliefs

Power, light, work, children, mere words that compromise each being

Yet each individual is so distinct, like a bed of roses where each rose

has its own scent, colour, texture and thorns

Perhaps those thorns are what allow the rose to bloom,

whilst it is deeply rooted into the very bed of mother nature

The earth on which one resides and inhabits

Essence is so unique, and so much of what is, is to learn that very essence

of one's own being, and mind. In order to create and manifest a beautiful life

and bloom like an amazing flower that soars towards the sun and sky

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Gossip is like the spreading of words to relieve oneself of a burden on the chest
the transfer of fear, a battle of power spreading concerned 'secrets'
Like chinese whispers, what started as the married woman had an affair with the page
ends up with the mistress had 20 lovers. 
The power of words, or rumor claims?
Rumors are funny, they consist of battering another's position
yet they're spread without the person's awareness
Hence rarely allowing the one in question to stand up for themselves
Like a battle with no outcome, for the situation turns into fiction
bearing only certain minds in power
Notice how every time there are two people in a room, there's always conversation about a third
Seldom is it two's company, and three's a crowd, more like two's a bore, three's a laugh
Can society be on the tip of their toes in words about others that make them rejoice
Singing of failures, inhaling far from the bright, after all who's to say what's right and wrong,
and even if they do, only the individual would believe it, cos each person has a mind of their own. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Seek Seek Seek

Search, Seek , Find
Creation, Growth, Grace
Every cycle that my soul went through, is far from a roundabout
but a quest of experiences which give one lessons on this path
Situations where I lost, circumstances one felt unable to handle
Gotta keep on moving and improving such stances
Higher vibrations, energy is power
Mind over matter, intentions are the key
To know one will and can changes destiny
or brings about what was already written to be
Transitional phases as the soul has been through it all
New takes.. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Critical Judgement?

Human nature.. or the mouth working like a job
My own personal concerns have led me to various judgements
on people, society and their values.
The fact that so much is hidden from the general public
by leaders who mainly fight for monetary and powerful concerns
Some judge people for their external displays and internal plights
If first impressions are last impressions, is society being too critical from the start
Somebody who appears cold and aloof, ego or inability to open their heart
Body language and impressions of a person are what we recollect
the first five minutes spent with the individual, implants recollections in our heads
No wonder labels are so easy to place, for they hide from the real facade behind outward grace

Karmic evolution

Karmic evolution, bounding me to time
Sent me flying, every ceiling felt too high
Restrictions of being, past plights
Rush of tension, loss of might

Organic circumstances, or an unexpected turn
Means by which one is forced to grow and become
Childish ways, or lack of concern
Concern for all, yet none for some

Injustice, bias and balance
or was it all to make the canoe stronger
the one that I see inside, sliding along a slippery river

The waves have calmed, the grey is at loss
The blue is beautiful and calm, or are the oars just tough
The sun reflects its yellow shimmers, the rays glimmer with light
A window can be opened in the heart, to allow all that feels like the great in Sight

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Golden foyer, with an iconic statue
Crowds rushed by, Sai only had a moment to spare
The controllers kept pushing the crowds, the people kept barging into one another
Feet were black, managed an hour of stares
Devotion and religion are a joke at this site
Respect to God yet what a pity to find such a symbolic place
have turned into a commercial flight
Money, the goal, merchants selling goods to achieve blessings from the lord
Inhabitants selling bracelets and flowers that provide material sounds
The statue for which one travelled eight hours, was viewed for less than a minute
Closed off were the special places where Sai baba would reside in 
Shirdi Shirdi.. holy place, or money minting

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Atticus Finch - 'It's a sin to kill a mockingbird. The one thing they do is pour out their hearts and sing to us.'

Symbolic evil forces metaphor into children and hunters who aim to kill innocence. 

Forgiveness only derives with understanding. Compassion for those who have to go such lengths, sympathy for their ignorance and inability to walk in another's shoes. 

Courage love and peace is found in a mockingbird which is ironically mocked and characterized as a small, naive being. Light is found in each person, even under the several layers of protectiveness or darkness that is portrayed. Experiences and life form each individual in a certain way. Childhood mysteries, teenage sufferings, lessons one learns through sobriety to finally bloom in individual roses. 

Sometimes the light blows out, yet the fairy who lights it, resides on the right with the power to manipulate and attract certain forces. Energy is the key to life for it guides one to manage their fate and keeps a candle alight in broken times. 

Intuitive forces, kept in mind, follow your way, final destination in sight. 

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pink and Gold

True love harbors pain
It has no expectations, desires or needs
That plant is able to love and understand
others without the need of saying 'I know'
To constantly claim one knows just allows
for a person to distract themselves with their 
own, unable to love the universe in all its spirituality

Strength is provided, power and love are combined when one unites with the lord
In order to truly understand the souls that wish to communicate or are uncertain 
of their fall, one listens, not manipulates to see them lower down
In the world of games, such a love is considered at loss, for ego disappears
yet to have this love is to have all and nothing at the same time

It is not who one loves, for quantity comes and goes
It is the quality of that divine love for it is always welcomes
when required and felt with open arms to all 

Divine love is pure and blissfully calm, desires lack for they beat
the spirituality of that feeling
Sexuality intertwines later as a soulful act of two based not only on understanding
but the creation of that relationship and its result of the forces of energy involved.

The balance of chakras, the healing energy, the closeness of two bodies
made up of entirely different DNA and material moulds

A union, far from being the goal of a kill, rather a journey that unites two 
contrasting energies to dance as one

Nurture vs Nature

Monogamy has gone out of fashion.
Every boy wants toys, every girl strives to play
Gone are the days where men would nurture a woman
like a flower that he tends to, in fear that it might blow away
Men who'd fight wars, soldiers who'd always stay in touch
Technology is at its finest, yet communication at its worst
Most that surround test you and wish to tame you down
Keep you to themselves, and claim to the world what they protect
Gone are the days men would create things for women
objects made with love rather than those bought at a store
Money has become the new game, the final goal
It dictates the majority of relationships and so called 'score'
If money is the result of hard earned work for womankind
Then love is the result of hard earned work for mankind
The simple life becomes so complex, universe misunderstands
If it all lies within oneself, then let all be one with humankind

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Magnetic Energy

If I am a magnet that attracts objects and people based on energy
one of the main concerns of life becomes sending out positivity
Happiness arises as those negative energies are out of my life
Positivity surrounds as those persons are out of sight
You'll dragged me down, a period where I fell
Feel no pain though or regret, peace surrounds 
Strength I gained is so bountiful
it pushes me to keep on working for more
Women who keep fighting for men through petty games
Unable to accept one rose, but greedy for 20 more
Men who keep testing women unaware they never had a chance
Stay in your own boat, row it with your own oars
I have my own, for I have faith in my own destiny
God sent me with a calling, a path on which I lean
To be and grow through personal enhancement
Manipulation is like mind games with chess
Except some people are concerned above the ability of stealing one another's might
or dragging others down to feel better about oneself

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The start

Soul searching is life's first task
It takes back one to the start
Past lives remain a mystery
The soul is the third eye
A small speck of dust light
It's original state is peaceful
Without knowing oneself, one is far off from the greater meaning of life
No belief, or heart can create a flame
without energy being obtained from his grace
The sea is a vast space of light
It just is, unbounded by the cycles of life
The soul receives its fuel from such sources of nature
for like a car, the body is material yet needs to be recharged

Monday, July 20, 2009


A taboo term in the major world Religions
Expressed all over the media and music videos as a downgraded philosophy
Insecure are those about sexuality who downplay its value
whilst internally bleeding for sexual prosperity
Unfortunate are those who had no choice but to fall in a web
offered by their life into the rings of prostitution and black slavery
Energy surrounds the globe and the people one sleeps with
leave magnetic energy inside one's body
Negative people who have no hope for humankind
will leave energy lines on your stomach which will cause one harm
The only acceptance is that positivity beats negativity
and the soul has larger control over these external factors
The union of two bodies is considered the yin and yang
for two souls unite and have the power to heal each others past
Sexuality is the oldest labour form and act of mankind
for it created you and me and the generations over time

Sunday, July 19, 2009


If I had to let out all the things of the past
I would start by accepting life's tasks
Each moment was symbolic, from each individual a lesson learnt
To grow was my main concern
Words are kinder when confronted by my soul
rather than by those spread to turn the warm pole
Over with thoughts provided by others 'perfect vision'
Better than that, as black has no place in my life
Materialism is where that color survives
The clouds are my aim, for right up above them
lies the shining light of the sky


     Change is the current favourite term for everybody hopes for happiness. Yet true change won't be found with new societies and new presidents. It will be found when one undoes the outer causes and takes the soul back to the world where it originally came from. Don't stop or freeze for others to seize your power that is one of a kind, allow that energy to overflow so that you may create and shine. 

  Seize the day individually and be who your heart entails, all will be provided if labels are forgotten and the truth of life prevails. Generation after generation has fought for a country, and treasures they longed for. Yet all was lost as a tragic history it became, for ambitions were large yet desire, shallow. 

  To fight in the name of lord has proven individuals mights. Be it Che Guevara, Mother Teresa or princess Diana who were never appreciated till they were out of sight. Humans who provided flowers so that others would bloom and grow, healers who suffered whilst aiding humanitarian concerns. The more one grows, one realises that strength can only be attained from light hence all other forces will not destruct if not let in. Karma forms cycles and one gets what they give. The influence of previous lives or the construction of the mind's thoughts. Each person has the might to overcome this force and fight for their personal duty. Each soul, nature and object,  a creation with a beauty which exists yet may not be seen.  

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Speak to me about the world and its beauty or the countries never seen

Speak to me about the treasures that lay below the sea and the stars that shine

speak to me about religious might and the power to unite

Speak to me about creation and its beauties

Speak to me about current events and political consequentiality

Philosophy is needed in this path of life

For without concerns of 3rd dimension, life is just a boring plight

Enlighten my soul with talks that involve your iq

Understand me because I can understand you

Speak to me like nobody is around

Speak to me as though we were on the moon and bouncing up and down

on the planets that surround

Speak to me like Im the first person you met

Speak to me as though love is just a flame and there are no regrets

Speak to me as a human because your a human too and we all want to be loved

Speak to me through harmony cos I believe first in the one up above

Act with me in the way you wish for me to act with you

You are made of mould yet you have a history and it appeals to my mystery

Ignoring rumours and comments of the ones that surround

You may find me if you see me the way I see you

Friday, July 17, 2009


Buying dreams of thoughts is a lie created by mankind
Fairy tales of youth sold by makers, instilled in girls minds
No hero or prince will save the day, the only love is the one which creates
Each action becomes a creation, a dance, a painting or a swim in the sea
Walking becomes part of life for growth is the only destiny 
Misery and Happiness come and go, Each day a new one
With karmic evolutions, merchants and consumers
Water and Fire lie within, air allows one to breathe
The earth provides a ground and metal provides properties
The path seems easier when two unite, like animals walking hand in hand
in the myth of noah ark's, every being on the same boat
Collision aries, all breaks, a day away from something that will be made
Understanding that if nothing begins, then nothing really ends... 

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Water is selfless, moulding into the form it is poured
The human body and the world are largely dominated by water
It's properties are appreciated by most religions which use this element as a sign of purification and a vast number of civilizations flourished around rivers.
If the human body were considered water, then the mind and concerns would disappear
One would just flow as a river, allowing life to have no form or shape
A state of Buddha, outlining inner self
Chinese philosophy provides a path of enlightenment
One that is hard to follow in the day and age we live in 
Every path becomes a ship to float across the sea
Arrival, one step closer to final destiny
Expectations dissolve, Pain emits into a vacuum
Healing oneself, signaling outer messages of peace
The world receives golden pink rays in the name of love
Angel enhancement, voices that narrate echoed words and history repeats
Cycles which humans have no choice but to succumb
Evolutionary planet, evolving from apes to humans
Growth is still in place, as the soul flies from one animal to the next

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Life's journey makes one pass several tolls and obstacles

Most of which aim to shatter one's belief in love

The funny thing about life is that most of these transition poles just aim to scare ones might

Whether through attacks or games, each moment becomes a test

where people question whether your in love or you wish to be tamed

others kill your dreams for personal gain

Scatter brains surround pushing your limits

No boundaries exist in this plight, as friends will also disunite

Strangers cease the day with passive attitudes that smile away

Moments of the day change with faith

The winner stands alone, others arrive late

Arrows and bullets, banter and games

Imagination is a craft, secrets may be used against you

by those who love to win in joy of being smart

To know is a blessing, visions just come and go

Bubbles arise themselves, Humanity stands alone

An illusion it is, as I am not the thoughts

I am not the mind, I am not the body

I am the soul connected to the supernatural

Fire doesnt need to strike at all times

It stays lit as it burns the fuel

seeing the future unravel as it discreates the past

Fortune telling certain events, creating imagery that makes sense

Aware of the final destination and the light up above

Underestimated by those who consider such a power small

Religious beliefs are not mere words

The connection is made from the soul up above to the cord in the ground

A streak of love that's visible and stands tall

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Ego stands alone with three letters yet its consequences are numerous
The idiot box portrays the constant injustices done to nations by more powerful,
larger nations whose leaders use their superiority complex to crush others.
A feature working as an obstacle to enlightenment
Ego only reflects what society wishes for one to be, to fit in with the 'normality'
Like mechanical robots that act and do things in a certain way
Following trends they don't understand but do anyways
with implanted chips and certain characteristics

A bird with wings yet stuck in a cage
Writing words without turning the page
This influence only helps one lose personal freedom
like an atom that collides from one wall to another
taking in opinions of those that surround
and aiming to be in a way which suits others
The soul has no ego, it just is, like a child
It doesn't concern itself with an image that is acceptable
It focuses on remaining in the center of the soul and preserving inner peace
The same peace one finds at birth being in the arms of a mother
Negative projections are easily believed yet misery can be excluded
when one realizes that it all lies within one' ego and the fault
of the ego for accepting those judgements. 
Laughing off the pain of personal ego creates fear for a while
 yet it brings one closer to shattering that glass which is merely a drag 
in the game of life...

Sunday, July 12, 2009


A force in the East creates an opposite force in the West
A battle is formed whilst another fight turns fair
Balance of energy yet one questions this form
If good and bad have to exist side by side, can evil really prevail and be out of sight?
If the good do nothing, the bad do it all
History would be distinct if the good had fought back
yet those same individuals are iconic symbols of non violence and unconditional love
for the one above
Idealistic, the term expressed in desire of people to put down their guns
and shake one another's hands
Centuries of human experience, language and religion
yet the mythological stories remain the same
Repetitive symbols, humanity's whacky train
Destructive news and Constructive technological gains
Society's inhibitions spread in two ways

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Searching for answers to questions which prevailed
Questions of being, living and human games
Walking a path whilst trying to free the soul
Mind bubbles forming a world of thoughts
Revolutionary Road, stepping stones
Lost due to bigger fish in the sea
Contrastingly the stillness inside grew
Calm soul observing the world 'zoo'
Survival of being, surpassing the imperfections
Aware of nature and understanding humankind
Long ride with constant blows

Found answers to things I didn't question
Friendships, Relationships and body soul
Confrontational laws which exclude emotional beliefs
Knees are straightening as the runner is free

Friday, July 10, 2009


Stereotype mania, mouths that provide judgement

Without understanding the cure and the cause

Spreading critical energy, without hesitating for a pause

People who lie to themselves each day

Unable to confront their skeletons

Projecting their emotions on others

Hoping their insecurities will fall away

Reputation is a personal review

for one never knows the reality behind material doors

Masks are plenty, eyes that long for power or drive

Humans unable to interact with their own souls

Yet they pose for others, pretending to be whole

Intensity is grand, connecting the supernatural cord, creating a stance

For individual raves come and go, the more you have, the more your known

The grander your facade, keener are those that surround

Thursday, July 9, 2009

London dayz

Contrasting city with a bubble sky

Grey and white, particles that collide

Pollution, sirens and attacks on the street

Population, tubes and regulated individuality

Cctv control which pictures every movement

Food joints surround with ethnic migrants

Cold temperatures yet soothing winds

Alcohol intakes rise as cravings begin

Clubs are minor and full of students

Cheap nights out or glamorous trends

The sun is a moody bitch, prices rise, bank account flashes red

Smoking becomes a fad, enhancing the gloomy life a tad

The bedroom becomes a temple, education is lent

Institution provides information about the world

Multi-tasking global causes and personal concerns

Growth of the mind and soul become key

All is put apart, emancipating into a fee

London can be the black hole of the world

Yet it is the place one most discovers the unheard

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Fight

Parallel are the material world and spiritual world
One lies below, humanity its proof
One lies above, controlling and enjoying the view
Life is just a battle you see, a constant war of energy
An arrow is aimed, to beat you down
For most people want to see each other frown
To be alive and keep up the good fight
Beats compassion for the lord and instead proves his might
To stand up is the only duty one has, for once the light is shining
No evil in the world has power to disunite
the simple soul which has no beginning or end
It just keeps swimming, like a river that keeps on flowing.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


God is one.. the eternal

They call him by different names.. he is found in Krishna, Sai Baba, Hanuman, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Jesus Christ, Muhammed, Abraham, Shiva, Vishnu, Zarusthra, Mahavira, Bab, Confucius .. the list goes on and on......

They say God signifies:

G- Generator

O- Operator

D- Destroyer

Religion is man made and has several negative connotations in present day due to it being used as a tool to manipulate people and as a business to create profit.

Yet religion has preserved culture and identity which one may not find in other parts of history. It allows one to follow the path of God and seek truth in a manner that suits each individual on a personal level. On a social level, it unites people to create collective energy which can be felt in temples, mosques, churches etc..

Religious quotes

  • Buddhism- 'Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater, an ill-directed mind inflicts on oneself a greater harm' – Dhammapada, v.42

  • Hinduism- 'Just as a person casts off worm-out garments and puts on others that are new, even so the embodied soul casts off worn-out bodies and takes on others that are new. Weapons do not cleave the Self, fire does not burn the Self. Waters do not drench the Self, winds do not parch the Self. The Self is the same forever: unmanifest, unthinkable, still.' Bhagavad Gita' ||, 22-25

  • Jainism- 'The enlightened world-view, enlightened knowledge and enlightened conduct are the path to liberation.' -Tattvarthasutra by Umasvati verse 1.1.

  • Sikhism- 'Great Guru whose encounter brought the Lord to mind! With his teaching as their salve, these eyes survey the world. Attached to the other, some traders left the Lord and roamed. How few have realized the Guru is the boat, Which delivers those he favours safe across.' - Adi Granth 470

  • Zoroastrianism- 'Then I recognised you, O Mazda, in (my) thought as being the beginning and the end.. ' - Yasna 31:8

  • Judaism- 'Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting thou art God.' Psalm 90:2

  • Christianity- ' All things are possible to him that believes, more to him that hopes, even more to him that loves, and more still to him that practises and perseveres in these three virtues.' - Brother Lawrence

  • Islam- ' God dwells in the heart, according to the Tradition, 'Neither my earth nor my heavens contain me, but I am contained in the heart of my servant who believes.' Ibn al-Arabi, Tarjumanu al – Ashwaq

  • Taoism- 'The highest good is like that of water. The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures; yet itself does not scramble, but is content with the places that all men disdain. It is this that makes water so near to the Way.' - Tao Te Ching

  • Tenrikyo- 'Looking all over the world and through all ages, I find no one who has understood My heart. No wonder that you know nothing, for so far I have taught nothing to you. This time I, God, revealing Myself to the fore, teach you all the truth in detail.' - Ofudesaki

  • Baha'i Faith- ' Religion and science are the two wings upon which man's intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress... Should a man try to fly with the wing of religion alone, he would quickly fall into the quagmire of superstition.. with the wing of science alone he would also make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of materialism.' - Abdu'l- Baha

Once we find our place on this planet earth.. and understand the small significance of our being.. we may live freely. Our existence is a mere grain of sand in the sahara desert where our being is just so small in comparison to the largeness of life and its width and vastness. 7 Billion people reside on this planet.. so many have died .. so many more will be born to live!  

Friday, July 3, 2009

Generation, Operation, Destruction

Insights derive from the deeper soul
Generation, Operation and Destruction
are part of the same three-fold
Cycles compose and unite beings
Chakras balance oneself from crown to base
Energy is found in the body's different states

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Imagination releases the soul
Unleashes the mind, forgets the ole
Stars that gleam, moon that shines
River flowing, time is mine
Black and White, unite as one
This story ends, as another has begun.. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


'Everything happens for a reason'

Symbols and meanings are found in all forces of life
Those that makes us grow on the path of light
Not always apparent, but the cure has a cause

Demons spite and cause fights

They exist to make us recognise the importance of light

Without darkness, there is no appreciation of Angels

Humans are implanted with both, acceptance of each leads to ability

to shine and grow, each step being a stepping stone

Perfection would have us sitting on the clouds

Enlightenment will come, reincarnation completes the sum

Been lost before, stuck at a toll, paid the fees, destination Free.. 

Monday, June 29, 2009


Color your aura.. use your imagination

Yellow means sunshine
Red means passion
Blue enhances communication
Black enhances fashion

Purple flames burn energy blocks
White light fulfills the soul
A smile is found when I feel like gold. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Dreams are random whilst providing insight
Revealing the subconscious, displaying a plight
An optical illusion possessing the mind 
Motion film guaranteed free with a 3 minute span
providing a reel of a life plan
Flying on a carpet in the sky watching the world's sights
A horror flick, wat a nightmare.. sigh! 
They come and go.. like the monthly flow... 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Global Humanity

Individuals are like countries
We recognize them by their name and identity
Yet behind each individual and country
lies a vast history full of distinct episodes
which form their beings

Individuals derive from cultural backgrounds
which enhance their being
History which is sometimes fate and others
our own making
Strength is admired, respect desired
The ability to evolve and keep on acting
in a life bound to end so that future
generations may cherish all that is left

Countries are recognized by their past
factual history and their current operations.
Admiration for those that preserve their natural
surroundings whilst inventing new sites into being.

The world keeps changing in correlation with human beings.
Destruction of nature by humankind results in Nature destructing.
Creation and maintenance of the world results in humans blooming.
Magnetic energy surrounds the universe, each human 
searching for their calling..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


3 unites true story
sides that portray reality
1 becomes fiction
opinion that varies
the left, centre, and right
People work biased to a part of their body

These sensory nerves lie within us
left nerve connects to the right brain
right nerve connects to the left brain
and central point operates in the present
The left considers the future
The right considers the past
Breathing changes.. and so does life's tasks


Spirals are spun, Webs are created
Predator seeks,  prey fails
Soaking up the Sun
Reflecting it on the Moon
Hot and cool, balanced rules
Red flames don't get burnt
Hidden when clouded by Earth
Ashes are created, residue of the flames
A phoenix is born, rebirth is the name of the game

Monday, June 22, 2009


Unravel a being.. present the mind
Thoughts of intimacy.. pervading this kind
Dance to live.. fiery delight
Forces of nature providing sight
Mind over matter.. actions above thoughts
Two sides of the same coin
Narrow options.. Broad paths
Lanes that divide.. others that cross
Going.. going.. Gone

Friday, June 19, 2009

24 hours

A whole day parallels a lifetime
Sunrise symbolizes birth
The agony of morning time
like a baby born with tears in his eyes
As the day develops one finds focus
Daily activities keep one busy
Growth is essential as life is a battle
Evening brings leisure activities
Enjoyment of all that is earned
Friends and family are company
Sunset symbolizes the final hour
For the only promise made at birth
is the one of death

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

developed vs developing

I've heard people in conversation speak about reality being a mere mirror for people as those who work hard are at the top and those who are lazy are at the bottom. Yet while a positive state of mind attracts positivity, it is hard to compare those living in developed countries to those living in developing countries. 

While in places such as Finland, people have high economic power and hence a high standard of living, inhabitants of third world countries such as India, don't have bare necessities such as water and food. Ironically the rate of suicide is higher in Europe where people have a larger number of luxuries. Contrasting to India, where the streets of Mumbai are flooded with smiling kids running around in tattered clothes, begging for change which contributes to the mafia         (underworld) rather than for their means of survival because they don't have a choice. 

Traveling from the West to the East makes one question one's appreciation of life and what one has rather than doesn't.

train ride..

The quest of life.. lies in seeking for happiness
State of mind and heart bring bliss
contentment is found in appreciation
and acceptance of all that is
Paradise is found in what one has
social beings surround in enchantment
Life's journey is like a train ride
It's fast..  yet only a few days does it last

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The worldwide famous game where players cash out to buy, sell and take over the board!

Its symbolic parallel lies in the world of corporations, where powerful successful individuals are monopolizing the world and maintain the power to attack and take over nations through the government. An era in which the public sector appears to be in control of the nation, yet above them lie the top CEO's who invest in and make the most influential decisions which affect the globe and its inhabitants. Political parties, banks, police, state laws and media are mere tools through which messages are sent to the people by those in power to maintain a certain 'world view' whereby people follow a rigid guideline of how to behave and what to believe.

The system acts as the parent of society as they claim to work for our benefits yet they are controlled by those who aim for power and profit. In the West, the patriarchy has gone to great lengths to preserve 'order'. In the U.K, people are consistently watched through cameras and in the States, several cases of how the police treat members of society has been put on display such as the recent taser episode. The popular news channels of these countries, CNN and BBC are extremely biased in their views and present information in a manner that ignores the real truth.

Monopoly begins with the private sector, continues with the public sector and results in society's actions. Yet within society itself, monopoly is played amongst members of society through the means of manipulation. A vicious cycle of the colonizer and colonized.. rooting in the 18th century with the ambitions of invaders who took over nations whose patriarchy consisted of God. A game created by men to gain power. The brain sex of a man consists in the goal of MONOPOLY.  

Monday, June 15, 2009


The Art of manipulation is old for womankind
A crafty tool that arises in the mind
The quiet observe as the arrows hit
Listen to learn, maintaining their calm, ignoring this tactic
Aware of the situation, secure to not react
Underestimated by those who feed their ego
watching others in defeat
While manipulators spend time planning
these so called arts and crafts, 
The opposition just smiles and laughs
to see how far others go and REACT 

Sense me

Senses bring out our sensuality
To feel, see, taste, hear and smell
Emotions that bring us closer to spiritual sexuality
for those are our animalistic instincts
Input methods that allow our bodies
to celebrate details of humanity
Options that lie within the temple
of one's body and partially
fulfill our internal necessities

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Woman consists of a feminine and masculine side
The Wo stands for the wing of religion
The Man stands for the wing of labour
Belief in both allows to fly and flutter the wings

One is the father, other a mother
The mirror lies infront
Nature lies beneath
God lies above watching
His hand is our protection
His light is our guide
and we mould our destiny

Friday, June 12, 2009

past and future

Reflections lie in the inner soul
Energy unites like a burning coal
Anticipating the new and old
Nurturing people while searching for gold
Atlas of the world is colorful and rare
the shapes surround the globe in a night mare
Growth varies, every living being in a marry
The left and right, constrast and compare 
The art of multi-tasking involves night and day

Thursday, June 11, 2009


paradigms are shaping
worlds are evolving
axis are shifting
poles are defacing

The sea lays in constant motion
lands are filling with construction
Globe is on a rotation spree
People on a motivation decree

Creator nourishes our paths
Destroyer polishes the past

The green and blue are visibly free
yet the light is blinking
from nation to notion 

bob's jammin

Jamming is a soulful expression
It chills the mind, one has no mission
Music surrounds with rhythm and blues
Nature surrounds with country muse
The planes keep flying, the birds are swirling
The body is moving.. it has its own sound
The mind lets go.. the words just flow
Tell me God.. from where did the world come so?
Were the stars your secrets.. was the sun your voice
The moon your guidance.. the flowers your delight
If 6 days is all it took..
Why is it in a lifetime
I might still be connected to a hook


In winter sprouts misery. The trees are dead, the sun refuses to come out. The clouds crowd the sky and existence ceases to be. Surroundings feel icy with the only consolation being fire, hard to mould in such cold. Grey is its tone . . close to the old.

In Spring grows the essence of life. Nature blooms, petals are alive. Thorns and thistle seem less visible as the Sun shadows its presence. People dress in tones that portray less aggression. born at this time.. close to Easter.  New creations enhance freedom

In summer rises the urge to dance. One dances with fiery passion as moving feet on hot sand. The sun rejuvenates the body, the rays enter the soul. The element of fire is visible ... Life becomes ecstacy and wings keep fluttering like the bird that is the soul. Summer season is full of love, colour and nations eager.

In Autumn rises hazy energy.  commence a new beginning as college begins. The sun being the peaking one whilst the clouds revolve around. Nature's bloom is going downhill, all that was bubbly and fresh is now becoming sober. Wine becomes enjoyable, grapes come into season. This part of the cycle is the cure and the cause. In some ways the end, and the egg..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

21st century?

Walking on the streets of central London, one experiences its cosmopolitan vibe. On the other hand, areas are specifically occupied by distinct ethnic communities. Examples include Southall- Indians and Pakistanis, Golders Green- Israelis and Edgware road - Arabs. Each society maintains their own cultural roots which are unique, yet they also maintain attitudes which make one question the audacity of London.

 A year ago, a friend and I visited Southall, walking around we spotted a famous bar named glassy junction. We entered the place, got eyed at and called a few names for being women and wanting a drink. Mentioning this to friends a few days later in conversation.. the reaction was one of no surprise. Indians in India are more liberated in this case as it is common for women to be at bars and clubs.

  Southall has a famous radio station named Sunrise radio which if one tunes into on Sundays.. women speak about their social and familiar pressures. Many women are forced to move to their country of origin and marry a stranger whilst other cases mention women who committed suicide out of fear of social reputation due what others considered a 'sin´. This whole social reputation is so ironic considering the extreme differences presented to men and women in ethnic minorities. Whilst men in Southall drive their cars around blasting their music and liberated to sleep around and eye women on the streets, women are expected to live according to rules society creates and be presentable as though their sole purpose lies in marriage. Judgement lies in all, yet if people in ethnic minorities, especially women limit one another´s freedom with social expectations, progress will be rare.

This is a broad generalisation but these pressures do exist and are questionable for they are present in one of the most famous Western cities of the world where democracy is meant to rule alongside freedom.


 Ratatouille -  'Anyone can cook'

Beauty lies in creation for it roots in parents and results in future generations. Cooking is a symbolic term for the rituals society practices. It is the art of combining different ingredients based on senses and emotions. The involvement of colour, texture, flavour and spice is vast. An act performed since the start of time where materials were collected by hunting, fishing etc..

Rituals have been practiced by distinct societies for generations and are commonly understood with the use of religion which puts into place acts, found in the case of Vedic ritual in Brahmanical Hinduism or religious ceremonies conducted in Aboriginal Australian society. People gather to form a collective energy and this is expressed through songs, dances and motion.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Extremities are the art of life .. the black and white from which life does not depart
Extremities lie within you and me.. the contrast which surrounds humanity
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction . . . a creation of harmony
the cosmos which surrounds us is vast, the personal and public realm lie within us all
sometimes they reflect our soul, sometimes they reflect the world
In each major city, one may find a contrast in the way of life of humanity
Be it the clash between the rich and the poor, the powerful and powerless,
the money makers and bread makers or the dream sellers and dream buyers.
They reflect the strenghts and weakness of society and project them on our systematical patriarchy...


The creation of words.. those that combine
Sometimes with emotions.. others that rhyme
Words are the expressions of a heart
They are the tools that communicate in a personal world apart
The world is an interesting site.. a book
Each page describes a different country and its might

The voices lie within one's souls
and with it on earth one creates moulds
Paper is a symbolic clean slate.. Pen is a symbolic mind state
Together they form, the combination of the yin and the yang
Where both become one and leave a footprints on sand
Sand is found in the desert and by the sea
Each human is a mere grain of sand, unique in structure
alongside other grains of different size and style

Creations on the globe derive from humanity who imagined the treasures that surround the existing planet..
The pyramids the pharaos built with great style
The Taj mahal Shah Jahan built with cultural mime
True treasures have lost their value, society prefers to buy and sell dreams
Those made by technological advances rather than those made by man's dreams
May capitalism not kill humankind for the desert and sea are natural abodes
Not the skyscrapers that lay and lie in the sky..