Thursday, February 11, 2010

The way is MY

You ask me to compromise, will it be a way thats ours
You'll then ask me to change, or do it slyly by making my thoughts shift to your needs
You forget that it's your need, and the strength of my wants that allows us to unite
Forever yin and yang baby, correlation of bodies and minds
You attach yourself to emotional visions, whilst I feel your presence
and sometimes you sense me all around, whilst I crave your energetic tension

You say that these are your mind tests, I comprehend my life
To understand your game play, tactics and acts, I'd have to to be a superhuman mind
Because all you do, works for you, but it doesn't necessarily work for me
I nurture my own life, and deny the need for obstacles you place infront of me
Life hands me enough of those in every aspect and field
For life is based on growth, and forever will it be a learning journey
So leave your tests at home, for the universe presents me with enough
You can't compete with God, so let me be with my own..