Saturday, June 26, 2010

You don't know..

I see your broken heart shining through
I think I'll cry power, and set you free
Oh wait, what a joke! I'm the one who will get some emotional security

I know your in pain, but wait a minute, so are we
Why not use your pain to comfort as emotional intimacy
The one we don't share, but the one you give away so easily

I simply want to win, it's only a game
I think I have power, for I have the intention of gain through pain
You probably will forgive me, or discard it as insecurity
Yet I will continue trying, l don't stop
because I have nothing to lose

You might appear strong, but I know your secret
You broken heart is a sensitive shell
You won't be strong for long, I will be the victorious and make you weak

Oh yes.. it's worked!. 'You just don't care about anything.'
It's like you don't even realize your defeat
Wait a minute, she's gone. I don't understand
Now I will be naive, and tell the world your gone
they won't know how many times I tried to disarm
And soon I'll find someone else to prey
for happiness is external, my vanity, my ego, my looks, the attention men give me

And if anyone asks, I'll pretend I didn't fool, hurt, or manipulate anyone
I'm just a dove, oh come rescue me