Monday, June 28, 2010

Emotional you

She says your emotions run like a river
That they turn and toil, and reveal a whole philosophy
They contemplate life, and question even curiosity

She said a lot of things to me, till inside I took a clue
I saw below what she failed to see, and that was the change which laid amongst you
You personified that change, day in and night out.
But she could never see it, damn she hasn't changed since the 1993 drought

She fails to see that even leaves, trees, and the sky change their form and motion
every day, even in possible minutes.
She only sees the hair and make up she puts on. Like clay, moulded in what the world expected her to be

She thinks she is free, as though her fake eyes don't betray the opposing
She thinks she has the right to play, and make you lose, because your what she calls emotional
Ironically, it is her, who needs you to throw her emotions astray
the ones that make her insecure, and lie within her everyday

She looks at her reflection with a false glare
for unable to change, she thinks there is no other way

She then uses you, to throw some of her baggage into your life
so that her life feels good, and her emotions fly high

It is you who lets it be, pretending to not notice
Yet I know, you know, what she does
And yet you discard it as a burden carried for children

I ask you today, if those children were yours, would you let them stray
I know you will not answer, but I also know that you would never allow them
in such a manner to behave

Hence tell me why such a major difference lies, when children are unconditional
but yours lie at an advantage
for yours get the care, you save for them
and the rest become spoiled like children who have no concern or care for how far
their actions can coincide with a human.

I know the wind sets everyone free some day
Till then, if you can't play
Learn to accept that such a deal is unacceptable and unfair
Walk away, and let them learn through their own mistakes
Say good bye, for without them, your life is blessed with a new day