Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm there.. on the turn

I sank so deep, the cover reminded me of a full-blown tier downer
Where all is black, and what is visible ceases to exist

It's coming off I say, I have been noticing for the past year
And yet it happens, kinda like life, no time, no mime, just a simple sign
Of all that was will remain to be, whilst all that is needs space to be free

And now I see I always knew, and now I see, I Know
and Yet this shield protects me from myself
Like a resistant blanket which fails to reprehend itself
At least now it's a sweater, a heavy blanket, a clinging shawl.. worn them all

I have something, oh I do, yet it's so material, unable to improve
in the place I most want, the zone that is so personal
For sure it's comfortable, I've built it over the years
and discovered what makes it work
From sounds, to smells, to touch, to every sense

It kinda glides in that field, as though it were born to be
A place of love, purity and self reflection
No wonder religion has such an important place
it can be the biggest resistance, for I see it as a possible destruction

Religion, destruction, how could this be, when I live and dine learning about thee
Cos all that is made, by the man of mind, fails to be religion, if only a paradigm way of life
Releasing those mental thoughts, is where the challenge lies
for then you've found yourself, and a religion which is based on having an Open mind

Those feelings which we so aspire, become special, since there is no Big and Small
one comprehends, it's just a stable turn
And whilst those extremes, give fun and joy for a while
They soon surprise for they make life a roller coaster ride
And yet when they unite, and all seems 'bored'
One is at peace, with all that is , and all in one all

So let commitment come this way, for when I am committed to me
There is no force that can beg me stray