Monday, June 14, 2010

Love or something

I personified you as my life
Knowing for me, it was the only way to live
Knowing I was young, and the years would be plenty

It wasn't easy as believing, that came naturally
seeing it in my friends, hoping it to be acquainted dates
finding it in projects, or simply relishing it whilst doing
Kinda like a state of love is doing

How creative is my reflection, youthful energy
which focused on children
from cooked dishes, to painted pieces, dance performances and singing vocals

And then it dawned, that I wasn't me, but a love puppet who wished to be set free
How could I believe, when the love I know, actually wait, Knew.. was a pretense
I now claim to society gaming manifestations
If only they played diner dash... this problem wouldn't be!
They'd soon realize, that games are electronic, they provide larger entertainment

When love bade to be nowhere, and 21 years got to my conscious
the only place left to look, where I had denied the most, was inside, my own eyes
And now I'm looking, enjoying what I see, and the universe is joining me
with a beautiful celebrated material form love to be

So perhaps life has bumps, sometimes we even lose everything we have
But the road that appears ahead, is only more amazing and marvelous than before
for now we are grown, and have the strength to fight anything that comes along
Bless Ego, what I never appreciated, is what helps me now keep my love alive!