Sunday, November 8, 2009

The occults

  I always thought that the world of occults was a fantasy, an image to good to be true
a science rooted in creative worlds like Harry Potter and an old age religion deriving
from witches and those who worshipped Earth.

  Witches have always fascinated me, perhaps something about their unique powerful ability to attract what they want simply because they have faith in their beliefs. Their extensive use of potions and herbs to create that which they desire in their lives and the powerful love they have for nature's own beauty, the sun, the moon, the stars etc.. Well I've been reading up on it, and met those who have reached that stage in their life where they get what they want simply because they know they can and will call for it.

  It's 2009, and the occults are more powerful than ever, not only can one find members
working in this 'religion' all over the world, yet the practice itself is so powerful
and this attractive all-embracing energy can be felt in the presence of 'light workers', in certain centers of worship, somebody's house or even a particular person. One simply has to be aware. Of course those who have been aware of energies for years may even tap into your personal energy and the oneness source which provides light.

  The journey is pretty incredible, one discovers the use of tarot cards, divination, translation of energy aurus which are around each person and indicate what they are going through in life or what they're recent thoughts reflect. The third eye and its power is used in the name of intuition. Like any set of beliefs, it has to be experienced to be understood. By far the most interesting 'religion' that has come to me in life, and the one I've enjoyed the most from the various I have studied and the various I have experienced in the countries I've resided in or the centers of worship which I've visited over the years.

Based on Law of Attraction, one is able to pick out tarot cards and meditate and understand the position one is in, in this route of personal life. It's not exactly a fortune telling device, but rather a key to understanding where your self is situated, on which door and which circumstance. The use of energy to heal one another is fantastic, and simply done with the power of the mind and body. Of course a field which is so vast, there are various types of arts in this field of impressive occults, and one must experience it to notice the results, which in any case have changed my life perhaps thanks to the wheel of life which has the power to turn your world in a minute!