Monday, August 22, 2011


Society is constantly changing and becoming 'modern,' but it definitely raises a large question on women and the way in which they desire to live their lives.
In a world where money is important and a career gives one respect, how do women manage to find the balance between pursuing ambitions and taking care of their families.

Feminists from around the globe who now have children look back at their old cries of being career oriented and independent and think they made a mistake for they were trying to create a platform for women which doesn't necessarily work for the kinds of women who want to nurture their kids.
I think that these women would rather be good mothers than financially independent. In fact the whole scenario of women trying to be independent is questionable because women are naturally good at nurturing their children, taking care of their homes and feeding their family. This does not make them inferior or less valuable than another, in fact it makes them the most valuable factor in the house because they unite the family and take care of each member consistently on a daily basis. On the other hand there are those women who are ambitious and appear to leave their children in the hands of a nanny, the domestic help or even another family member. Sometimes I question why these women ever had children when they have not been a part of the child's upbringing. It seems pretty pointless to have a child when you do not value it. It is common to see women in present day Indian society present themselves as socialites and yet their children appear to be eating and sleeping with the domestic help which these women will refuse to share a glass of water with and yet they allow their own children to be mothered by they very women they consider inferior than themselves.

Is it possible to create a balance between a career and motherhood and if so does it work successfully or does every child require to be brought up in an environment that is created by his or her mother for she is the one who created him or her. How does one create an environment which allows one to be independent in the eyes of society and yet a good mother in the eyes of our children. Have women become so image conscious and ambitious that the primal needs of children appear to be slipping away from women as a society?