Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This is interesting..

Some people when speaking about another say, 'I don't understand/ know .. she or he is (any negative term ) which usually implies let's say suffering, since I'm enjoying Buddhism and am able to connect the Eastern approach of negative suffering to the Western approach of people's dilemmas.
Note.. the lack of understanding of a person and the obvious realization of a weakness

Why am I bringing this up.. because we all know we have strengths and weaknesses
Yet, it's interesting to note how somebody may realizes your weaknesses and fail to comprehend your strengths, as though only half of you were alive
Perhaps they do not understand your strength because they do not want to know your strengths
If not they would understand it, know it, and appreciate it

These are people who don't want to change. If a tree is forever blooming, forever growing and changing, showing off its wisdom with its circular rings, then these people are the anthesis of that tree, and are merely a stump. Because even a tree knows that certain seasons require certain things, come the Winter the tree loses its leaves, yet come Spring and the tree is already sprouting new ones. This is the work of branches, and so if a tree is merely a stump, it appears to be unaware of the beauty that life experiences have to offer in terms of growth, change and of course my favorite, new ways of thinking!  It's a half life.. based on insecurities.

Now, we all have insecurities, no doubt on that. Yet when we honestly fail to appreciate the good in another, we begin to play the game of 'survival of the fittest.' Competing for something which doesn't even last forever, and even if it did, what would we represent, the desire for something which is based in our head as being much better than it actually is. A power scheme based on personal free will.

 I think one is merely lacking the right perspective, which focus on the positive instead of the negative.