Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Powerful Beingness and Shores

First impressions, are a registered memory
A memory that quickly fades once the personality begins to overlapse the physical materiality

When I see you now, I see what you portray, the way you feel and what makes you 'sane'
The things that most stand out, perhaps a beautiful trait, or an overwhelming flaw
I know, like all know, we all have days

Yet the more I see you, the less I say
Because those words become unnecessary
and the timing becomes more powerful

The times I want to be, and those where I don't mind sitting at the shore

You don't need to accompany me to the sea, to see what I talk about
Just look inside your heart someday, you'll hear your personal words fly out

And then you can come sit by me, so we can have a conversation about Life and its whereabouts.

Sea Weed

They don't exist
And when they do, the cards are blown

Will I ask if your hurt
No, because your a tyrant
Tyrants don't get hurt
They just bump their head on a tree, consequently
They hurt themselves, and pride on what they eat
They're not human, they're an animalistic breed

They feed themselves on insecurity, the one that they mantain
by keeping you waiting
The insecurity which is a lie, as it is only an illusion of the mind
when the mind is unable to comprehend, why what's dead doesn't wish to be alive

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My First earned, owned Bank Account

An inspirational thought which got to me today, was if we all strive for money
Why don't we appreciate the vast wealth we accumulate with compliments and the feeling of receiving love.
On my 22nd birthday, I feel blessed to achieve so many wonderful wishes, and I truly think that every message and call was a gift, a blessing in disguise, and a lovely sensation which is just adding to my 'bank account'.

It feels really nice to celebrate it in style, in the way that I like, and with my wants fulfilled. My newness, my oldness leaving my side, and recognizing this new girl, this new Sanam, and what I like and dislike. It's actually like a complete make-over, where I'm starting to discover what the new me, likes, enjoys, dislikes and most of all my taste, style and what makes me comfortable.

It's like starting fresh, a new slate, a new mind, positive patterns and beliefs, reflective attitude, and most of all change, change and change. I dig this time, for the first time I'm starting to be what I have always wanted to be.

It's a beautiful transformation period in my life, where after a jolt of lessons, they're finally sinking in, and they've created with seeds, a wonderful flower that I see blooming with each day that passes.

It's 2010, and I couldn't be happier to be alive.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Supporting Walls

The things you most want, are they really the ones you strive for
Those that are rooted deep down in the subconscious
Those that perhaps provide purpose

Do you resist, and fall for temptation
Or find it a way to get rid of procreation
Procreation of all sorts, like beauty in life
The sort you paint, like  a sun in the bright sky

The ones you attract in your life, making it easy to have a simple life
All just appears, while your wondering if it's whack

Do you try to fight what's meant to be, and find another way
Do you try hard enough to stray, lay n pay
Does materialism take over, and your inner side remain
Silent as the peaceful sea, with a sun yet to rise 'day'

Do you ever wonder when your fight will stop
When the ego will surrender, or when the resistance will drop
Will it be the result of Universal situations and their consequence
or will the heart have a simple outburst

Will you come to terms with your wants and escapes
Will the escape be a dream, or is it a nurturing nightmare
When black n white cease to exist, their meaning buried in a grave

Will you unite to be one, as is meant on this beautiful fine day....

Let me battle your good n bad

What if I test you,
to see how far you'll go

What if I act in defeat, or in victory
Will you remain the same way

If I stay with my knowingness
Will you surpass trying to make me surrender

Will you test me too, even when you can tell
that I have no rules in human behavior

Will you believe my pitying, or will you answer to my anger
Will you accept that I rebel against my wants
Or consider it a weird thinker

When you know that I am
I will know that you are

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sexy vs Virginal

Is it the Black angel, or the White one
They look the same, just have a different hairstyle and outfit

The wings on the Black one are sharper, the White one's are softer
lllusions, Images, Actions

What happens when both of these unite?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discover my Rehabilitation state of beingness

Nightmare state, darkness above, clouded directions and sincere lust
Ways I learnt, to deal with your active actions
Your egoistic head, and that body with which you run

Dark times, cloudy rains, thunderous states in a limited time frame
Ways to keep you going, moments that led you on, memories which made you stay
Cold word and eyes, pain fuelling that which you onto me made
Broken tears, held back non fear, and strength no reason could retain
Or was it my fantasy, that wicked thing which fulfills my known prophecy

The fall was meant to be, as much as the final turn, wearing black
Wondering where to run
Was it the 6 a.m train, the shadowed people, or the loneliness that caught up by
Your role in bed, whilst I had to find a way back

No home felt like home, the self lost all sense of I
No cries for help returned a call, Neither by months, neither by karma law

The olden days, when the globe turned black, the body blue,
our resultant state, and the torness that begun, or continued to loom

Episodal Traumas

I like my opinions, they allow me to speak my mind, in a way I find hard when conversations are senseless
It reveals who I truly am, and opens up part of my true nature, which rarely wills to Reveal

When my opinions are questioned, to describe me, my personality and my beliefs, I find it ironic
Because aren't opinions constantly changing, and doesn't each belief enhance and understand itself
when time passes, and learning increases, experiences surpass and the mind opens up

Those that use my opinions, to attack, speak or even blossom me, and turn around to 'explain me' another way of thinking
How funny, firstly because it doesn't interest me much, and secondly because strangely society can take one of your phrases so seriously, and cause a mini drama event at such a stage
As though there weren't more important things, like the battles across the globe

Monday, March 22, 2010

Loopholes, typhoon swirls, and inner homes.

Life's not that hard really, as we make it seem when the weather is down, or when we sink in fear
It's not so serious, when all seems lost, and patterns just appear.
The thing is that, these negative patterns, are usually constructed by the mind,
they are practiced over time, and tend to create similar situations and circumstance dance.

When patterns get released, fulfill their goal, and are filled with happier beliefs,
one notices that negativity, bad situations and experience really all come hand in hand.
Eveything drops and collapses at one time, whether relationships, harmony, familial ties, personal issues and patterns, education, state of mind and addictive interests.

It's like a bubble filled with negative rays which live on each other, and sink lower.
Neither prayers, nor good will, nor wishes matter at that time, what has to be dealt
with comes and goes like a tide that brings grey signs
Once the tide is over though, and the shore begins to clear
Pieces left as memorablia, some thrown in anger, some burnt and those which take time to fade

When life becomes more positive, even the choices differ. The people I instantly talk to differ, awareness on those who are commited, stable and settled in life whilst they grow and learn. Attractions differ, as the 'bad' which personifies itself into guys, addictions, and habits just disappear. They just lose their flair, their interesting factors, and they become dry subtances which lose all importance. Attachments decrease, I don't know if you notice, but when a person has substance abuse problems they tend to be attached to their surroundings, these chords which flair everywhere, energies which blast in all directions, no sense of care for how to stand alone. Yet once these detachments starts occuring, no matter how much the mind resists, no matter how much the past furnishes the mind, no matter how many people arise in your mind, you know your on to better things, because your capable of choosing people in your life who make you comfortable, you start being attracted to those who actually give you what you want, rather than those who are 'reckless' which only reflect our own choices really. So even thoughts change, as the postive ones are favoured, food becomes healthier as well, as the stomach starts enjoying the greens and vegetables.

The mind starts accepting flaws, and the importance of them. It starts appreciating one's good, and finds a way to truly discover that personal space  that make the I happy. Conversations, people, and situations which arise seem way more stable, and one notices the emotional turbulence and rollercoaster one experiences through a couple of them. Some are so unnecessary and mostly unimportant, yet being human means one fails to exist without the lows and highs.

I could really go on and on, simply out of perhaps gratitude, sometimes discomfort at the vast amount of change taking place, my resistant mind, which sometimes pains because it bombards me with reasons to not change. My positive affirmations which come in phases, or the fact that I'm not interested in things which used to encourage 'negative behaviour'. It's all so strange, or perhaps new to me, it happens so unexpectedly.

Every year brings in a new limelight. When I first joined university, it was about mini wants, fun, colours, and social interactions in large circles. Learning to deal with different types of people, diversity and an idea of change and open mindedness in a university where people smoke pot everyday. Ironyyyy

The second year, taught me the importance of compromise in a living household, whilst mantaining personal respect. It also taught me how on one side I always stuck to my personal space, my wants and my beliefs. On the other hand it taught me how at times I was too forgiving, ignored flaws which could hurt me and failed to rise up at an important circumstance.

The third year, seemed like a follow up. It seems in life, that it is normal to fail  and pass. Yet when a lesson fails to be passed it keeps arising. So taking a stance kept appearing in my life time after time, after time, till I actually started saying what I really wanted to. The importance of relationships, and how much they change over the years, first year's social bubble bursts completely, how far the mind can fall when not controlled, and how everyone simply reflects the enemity within. The importance of personal power, knowing how to keep it, use it, and let it be the guide of one's intuition.

I can say I made a lot of mistakes, come on I'm just turning 22, at times I felt shame for acting in certain ways, yet now I realize day by day, that because of every tried and tested mistake, is the reason I come closer to my true core self everyday. Because it is one's failures and mistaken moments which truly pinpoint at times occasions in ones life. They are remembered because one wishes to improve those mistakes or get out of that way of life. Whilst the mind is improving, the situations are enhanced, and emotions are healing, the learning is sinking in meditatively to form thought patterns within.

This must be one of the longest continuous things I've written, and yet I could go on and on, about what's going on inside. I love this feeling, when it doesn't stop, it's like my life is rowing, with oars that stay beside me and a tide that is breezy, calm, and smooth.

Think about your choice, there's always more than one, you'll get to the same place, but you choose which way to learn. The comfort within, the comfort without, all the same, no difference between what revolves and what comes from inside, appears out.

' You guyz'

People are really interesting, you can be studying about humanity yet discover that the most
power hungry people live in your background backyard, in the house next door, in the friend who claims to preach, in the friend who claims to teach, and the person who always seems to question your ability and life.

It's funny, as human beings we get annoyed when America battles Iraq, we even go as far as putting Osama on the wanted list and raising critical awareness about the teachings in a Afghani Madrasa.
You have people protesting, and shouting, fighting in class, claiming to care incredibly about these issues, wanting to take a step in global change. I think that's great, but what happens when these very same people, turn around to power manipulate one another. When the bigger picture loses its importance, and the smaller picture increases in size. People who would rather feel comfortable with you being weak, or those who get security from filling their ego's and even those will try to show the opposite sex, that they are the stronger player.

The biggest irony are 'victims', who arise from disasters, uncontrollable world events, those who suffer a loss and those who fall for these games. Perhaps victims are self-defeatists in their own right, where they rather lose then play a 'dirty' game, or is it time for self-defeatists, to kick their leftist attitudes in the butt, and start fighting and standing up those these rightists, who are so insecure, I think the self defeatists land up pitying themselves in confusion of actually pitying 'players.' Emotional toying, dramatic stances, making sure your not there to support the person, all clear evidence of rightists around the world.

Sometimes I feel angry to know that such people exist, but then I realize that it is my life, and I will only offer to myself that which pleases me.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My 20's

It's only been two years, yet in the past two years I learnt more about who I am
then I had ever even discovered or seen for myself
Once the comfort zone is built, I start understanding the person I really am, what I like
and dislike. And most of all what I require from me in a day, and what I require from people
I choose to allow into my life.

The difference between your teenage years, and your early twenties, is that you start realizing the importance of people. Those who never existed, those who were a phase, and those you have always been there, sometimes unfortunately shadowed in the background.

The most important thing, is to maintain, preserve and uncondition the heart. Regardless of how anybody is, if it feels unacceptable, it should remain that way. Those who only appear when restlessness creeps in need to be asked to leave, and those that clash, it is a goodbye.

Those that remain, are usually the ones that are always there, regardless of whether your happy, sad, down, victorious or in defeat. For that is true strength, and some of the real things in life.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Human error

Specific, individual, impulsive , or simply mind tools to improve what simply has to be accepted first
Repetitive, specifically done with those who enjoy it, a battle considered on the table
One that wasn't even though about, or acknowledged to exist
When Human error becomes LOUD, it appears to the mind that the world has heard it all
Every mistake, every word said in vain, every angry action, every mind jolt, n tweezed infused words with another's philosophy.
They appear to blast up and create a bomb, one that destructs too all that surround
Yet when the bomb explodes, and the smoke arises, the rubble begins to clear,
and the rest gets craned, the human arises, in a way they never thought they would.


If everyday, is simply a way to gather information
Not only to understand with the mind, yet to fill in those missing parts
Does it evolve a person, to change in a way which allows them to be in the perfect
position for the future, hence my past allowed me to be who I am for Now.
Because thanks to those episodes, actions, and consequences, I'm here today
So it appears that perhaps there are choices, and different ways to get here
I could have gone another way as well
Yet I would be here, because that is what is meant to be, perhaps that's what my soul
has to learn, like a classroom, learning forward from my last birth
and enough to be ready for my next birth, interval of class years in a number
which ofcourse to humans is too much time to comprehend
But I'm sure in Universal years a person's life is minute, in fact too minute to underestimate life

Recognition, pushes the human mind to do the 'unknown.'
Harms, causes, and examples set, and done in a state of mind where life is neither lived nor explored
It is deal in a manner which resists the very flow of life, and at times tries to hide or block it
Yet life just keeps going on and on and on and on.. it did and it will
And so will I


I've never known of...

I've never know of ...

It solves it all,
the questions, the wonders, the left and right, the judgements, the awareness

When I know what I've never known of.. I will unite and shine like the star that I Am.

Birth Mark

They wouldn't leave, They reminded me of what I didn't have, yet what they had was what made me stay away from what I had
If it were to be the same, I would rather be the way I am now, no different, no wiser, no stronger, no harder , just me
Life, when it becomes a joke, each moment a lie, the people that surround are a part of something fictional. Actions which don't make sense. Mistakes which were made in an intent to earn something which was never remembered. Neither the effort, the work, or the care ever appreciated.
Pleasing those who don't deserve it, because they will never understand it
They want to stay where they are, with or without you
And your presence goes un noticed, because when it is noticeable, everyone disappears
and when its inexistant, they appear to play a power game, only their minds can comprehend
Ironic patterns, ones which don't every completely change, they seem to grow into one which works better with the self, and the society we live in .

Hence when you find where your patterns lie, they become easy to distinguish and they pretty much solve your battles in life, your need for work aspects, and the points in life which 'pull you down' or rather take you to a better place.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

He Dies

When someone dies, do their memories fade, or their presence exude
The last thing he wore, or the first time I saw his eyes meet mine
Was is it his hair, his height, or simply the person he was to me
Does it just die, will it be reborn, into something I've never known of
When somebody close to us dies, does it block the mind, does one fail to think or do the words just collide
And what about being lost, the consequent mistakes, the loss no one seems to understand

The words that surround, the rumours and gossip which takes place, actions done in emotional feel good way
Do the neurons stop functioning somewhere down the line, or does everything just get cold
Do the feels evaporate or is the soul, that denies any feeling because all is sold
Will the world ever be mine again, will the flowers bloom, will the grass look green and the sky blue
When the world narrows down to one person, and that person ceases to exist
No words are left in memory, and old sayings become world play in terms of gifts
The silence is so vast, those are the only moments recolected
The memory falls short, and everything after feels like destructive memories
Creation after Death, is hard for the mind to comprehend
The issues become diverse, and the root remains like a parallel

What do you do , when somone dies, accept defeat infront of human eyes
or hold your head high, and forget you ever soared
you ever loved, and ever felt like he was mine.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


When you want something from me..

 Neither am I your distributor and neither am I want you require from me

I am that I am. my zone, my peace, my silence, my love
It doesn't have to be announced for it to exist
At times the most beautiful things are inexistent to most whilst they exist

A want is a moment, perhaps a need or a strong occurence
It flows and displays like a current with soul
It needs no other sentiment but that of which it is
When the wants become alive, the sharing occurs naturally
There is no sentiment above that strength
for like a budding flower, it is rooted in its shell
it grows and grows, leaving space for will

When it rises, it's true power is shown
whilst it sets out to be a star like it steers itself to be

Monday, March 8, 2010

Women's Day

What a wonderful day, dedicated to each woman alive, and in memory of those who walked the earth

Internationally a large day, a national holiday in many countries, and awareness raised each year on a particular issue which needs work, or people looking to make some changes

I appreciate those corporations, which I love to diss, sponsoring and providing a platform for these specific events, regardless of their ulterior intentions, because any day is a day to know about what is actually occuring. Who knows, that knowingness might strike in each person some day and encourage them to take a step they never thought they would take.

For those women, still in unacceptable circumstances and society situative positions, for those who think they have no option, and for every girl with dreams, it is an inspirational day to live in faith of change for the higher good of all.

I could go on , to talk about the change, sometimes improvement and sometimes stagnant in our minds, reflective in the going on of individual countries. I could also speak about the working woman vs the home woman, and if career motives have really given us all that.

Yet today, I'll stop at the thought of every woman shining with her wants in her heart.