Friday, April 8, 2011

Consistent times

Can times ever change with people who never change.

Why is that a certain meeting can go back to five years, and still be the same experience one had then. Is it too much expectation, too much non realization or merely a lack of acceptance of who one is.
A coffee thing can relay the insights one has now begun to see and a drinks thing can only make one realize how some relationships appear to stay stagnant in the same space which was once created and perhaps once good enough.

When we begin to stop settling for less, and begin to believe in our desires and wants, how do we decide to learn the lesson we supposedly need to learn from a particular experience which just doesn't seem to end, or move on and let that go! Or does one stay in the vain hope that those long lost dreams might come into being as much as these new experiences appear to bring gifts through their manifestation of one's desires which go back to seven years ago.

And what about our thoughts.. as much as they might remain positive, one can't help but think of that resistant topic, or that weakness of something which doesn't quite fit into the picture perfect scenario. Is understanding that that weakness is merely the ego or vanity of another enough or does one need to go beyond that and have enough faith in oneself to know that this isn't working out. Whilst there might be bumps on the road and one can only try to make things better, how can one improve any scenario if another isn't willing to change their past, present or future. And whilst the past may only reveal beautiful moments which once encouraged my soul, how can the present and the future work together with so many limitations and lack of changing support. Does consistency become the problem, or the solution?

The consistency another brings to the relationship might never change, but I do know that self consistency is a gift one can give to oneself.